Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 23

It has been a little rainy here and we didn't get the tornado weather as was in the forecast for most of our state.  It is supposed to be pretty chilly tonight and there is a frost advisory with a low of 33 tonight.  I'm just going to stick it out.  So far we see no chili peppers so I think I might call that a wash.  We have most of our peas and I'm almost ready for the first harvest of green onions.  I have 10 of 13 potatoes growing.  I'm waiting until they're 6 inches or so before I cover them again.  Black-eyed peas are about 2 inches high now and I thinned them a little.  They are growing at regular intervals and then a 6 inch to 1 foot gap and then good growth and then another gap.  Not too bad, though.  the lettuce is coming up in bunches.  I'm supposed to wait until its a bit bigger to thin it, and eat what I thin.  That's exciting too!  Spinach is interesting because there are some with just the sprout leaves out and others with the first round spinach leaves which are about an inch diameter already.
My hubby keeps asking when I will put the rest of the garden in and it will be the end of April for much of it and then the end of May for the rest.  So for now it is water when necessary and weed control.
Some of my flower pot herbs are sprouting, so I'm hoping for a good harvest there this year too!

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