Friday, July 20, 2012


My garden is on auto pilot.  I pull a few weeds every day and turn on the soaked hoses for a few hours.  I've made 10 1/2 pints of zucchini relish so far.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4, 2012

I haven't kept up with any of my blogs this summer, but I've been watching the garden grow.  I lost my potato plants so we dug them up today and got some good out of it.  They were starting to get eaten, so it is good that my hubby and I dug them up.
I also have gotten 3 zucchini now.  My entire replant of green beans is growing.  I replanted tomatoes and I have success with the plants themselves and there are 3 cherry tomatoes on the vine as well.
Carrots are coming up between tomatoes and in their own little row.  Chili pepper is doing well and I have 3 green pepper plants.  My 2 pumpkin plants are doing well.  I still have life in my black-eyed peas but no blooms.  I put dill in the garden and see nothing yet.  My onions are between the size of golf balls and baseballs.  My sweet potato is thriving above ground, so I'm excited to see them this fall.
So far no parsnips have come up, my replant of lettuce is looking good.  I just planted about 10 brussels sprout plants and 2 eggplants.  All of my first lettuce is done.  3 of my zucchini plants are HUGE and one is small and I have 3 watermelon plants that look healthy and my 4 cucumber plants are blooming.  It was too hot for my spinach replant so that's a bummer, I might try again in a few weeks.  Last of all I planted about 50 new onion sets for green onions.  They looked poor at the store, and I have about a 50% success rate on them.  We have had just over a half inch of rain in the last month and the temps have been over 100 degrees F most days for a few weeks.
My watering system has switched and I am doing soaker hoses only and it seems to bee keeping the rest of my crops alive for now.
I had a beautiful crop of parsley until a few days ago and caterpillars ate almost all of the leaves.  UGH!!!!!  I  hand picked them off and they never returned for the basil which is beautiful.
I will post again with more harvest pics.