Finally every crop is in the ground that I want to grow ... okay, I really want some carrots, but can't find the seeds. Yesterday, I weeded the current crops in detail and wrote about what I learned in my
Reflections blog. My husband and son tilled the soil in the rest of the garden to make it ready for the final planting. I got that done and I'm one tired Mamma.
I planted green beans along the fence and pumpkins behind that. I planted most of these others in mounds as the package instructs. I was going to do a row of cucumbers, but changed my mind. I have 7 hills of zucchini and 4 hills of watermelon. I planted 2 hills of pumpkin and 6 hills of cucumbers. Since I was running out of space, I may have made a mistake by putting these rows of hills too close together, but I staggered the hills.
The last thing I was going to do was tomatoes, but I had to go to the store anyhow so I bought 6 tomato plants. I bought 1 German Queen Heirloom, 2 Cherokee Purple Heirlooms, 1 Black Krim Heirloom, 1 Pink Brandy-wine Heirloom and a Sweet N Neat cherry tomato plant. I miscounted my tomato cages, so in the extra cage, I planted some cherry tomato seeds. If it doesn't come up, I will just grab another plant and put it in later. At the end of the tomato row, I planted about 6 green pepper plants.
If I find some carrot seeds I will sprinkle them between my tomato plants per recommendation of my husbands grandma. She had great gardens! She doesn't garden any more because she's too busy and the property owners don't allow it. I trust her, though, and hope to share some veggies with her.
Pictures to come, but I need to finish out my garden chart. I include instructions from the package, germination date and harvest expectations.